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Advancing digital inclusion: Policy Accelerator's five-year journey
UNCDF's Policy Accelerator program emerges as a critical partner to governments, co-orchestrating a symphony of policy change across Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.
3 lessons on stakeholder consultation from the COVID-19 pandemic
What happens to an in-person, highly collaborative process when a pandemic shuts down global travel?
Financial Inclusion and COVID-19: Is this crisis an opportunity for digital finance? (Part II)
Digital financial inclusion supports social distancing and helps keep economies working, which is more important than ever in the time of COVID-19.
Financial inclusion and COVID-19: Is this crisis an opportunity for digital finance? (Part I)
The current COVID-19 health crisis is unprecedented in its scope. We are seeing large-scale reshaping of the world’s economy, social norms, and political realities.
We are blind without data
The importance of data is magnified in times of crisis when there is greater need for financial stability, integrity, and protection of vulnerable people.