Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub

The WDFI Advocacy Hub is a catalyst for collective action. It unifies local, regional, and global stakeholders with the common objective of accelerating progress in Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion (WDFI).


Watch Preeti Sinha, Executive Secretary General, UNCDF, introduce the Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub


The WDFI Advocacy Hub accelerates progress to WDFI by elevating and amplifying local voices, shifting resources to local partners, convening stakeholders, and fostering constructive dialogue among decision-makers.


The WDFI Advocacy Hub is comprised of:

  • A “Global Hub,” which brings together development partners and leaders in digital and financial services to advocate for priority issues at coordinated times; and

  • “Local Coalitions,” which convene national stakeholders to discuss and collaborate on market and policy solutions to support women’s digital financial inclusion in key markets.

Spotlight: Local Coalition in Ethiopia

As part of the WDFI Advocacy Hub, UNCDF has convened a cross-sector “WDFI Ethiopia Coalition”. Activities include:


  • Center for Accelerated Women’s Economic Empowerment (CAWEE)

  • Dot Ethiopia

  • Enat Bank

  • Ethiopian Communications Authority

  • Ethiopian Youth Entrepreneurs Association

  • EthSwitch

  • Financial Sector Deepening Ethiopia (FSD Ethiopia)

  • Girl Effect

  • Mercy Corps

  • Ministry of Finance

  • Ministry of Labor and Skills

  • National Bank of Ethiopia

  • Network of Ethiopian Women's Associations (NEWA)

  • Peace MFI

  • Safaricom

  • Thunes

WDFI Network of Champions

As part of the WDFI Advocacy Hub, UNCDF is committed to elevating the voice of young Ethiopian champions (aged 18-30) to advocate for women’s economic empowerment. Young entrepreneurs, professionals and activists are welcomed to join the network and contribute their knowledge, experience, skills and ideas to advance financial and digital inclusion in Ethiopia. 

Media highlights


Latest updates

Campaign center


In November 2022, we will be supporting a digital financial literacy campaign focusing on applying global lessons to local goals in Ethiopia.


Campaign: Women’s Digital Financial Literacy in Ethiopia


Advisory Panel on Women and Digital Financial Services in the CEMAC region